We just had a warm snap, and 75 degree weather in February always makes us think of one thing – Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Inspections are coming due!
You’ve probably been doing you monthly inspections, plus giving your SCM a good once-over every time it rains an inch or more within 24 hours. With these (required) monthly inspections your SCM is probably in good shape, but local regulations require SCM’s be inspected by a professional engineer once a year, and the season for inspections at most of our local municipalities is the spring.
Concord | March 15 through May 15 |
Kannapolis | April 1 through June 30 |
Harrisburg | Annually, Before November 30 |
Charlotte | Annually, within 30 days of the as-built anniversary date |
Huntersville | Annually, within 45 days of the as-built anniversary date |
Mooresville | Annually, before March 31st |
Statesville | Annually, before the as-built anniversary date |
There are may different types of stormwater control measures, or SCMs. You may have a detention pond, sand filter, proprietary system, infiltration system, bioretention cell, wet pond, stormwater wetland, permeable pavement, rainwater harvesting, green roof, level spreader-filter strip, disconnected impervious surface, treatment swale, dry pond, storm filter, silva cell suspended pavement with bioretention, filterra, bay filter, or a combination of several of these on your property. Regardless of which type you have on your site, each SCM will need to be inspected by a licensed professional on an annual basis as outlined in the table above.
If you are on top of your monthly and post-rainfall inspections, that’s great news! We recommend reaching out to us at least 30 days before your annual inspection deadline for us to be able to conduct the inspection and complete the report and submittal before the deadline for your site. This is the easiest way to keep on top of your SCM responsibilities.
If you have not been keeping on top of your regular inspections and maintenance, don’t worry! We will work with you and the local municipality to get your inspection completed and help guide you through any repairs or maintenance may be necessary, as well as navigate the technical and administrative processes to get your SCM back on track.
Contact us today to schedule a quick SCM consult. We understand that the operation and maintenance of these stormwater control measures can be a lot for a busy business owner or property manager to stay on top of. At Daylight, we can provide a host of services to support your SCM needs including:
Annual Inspections
Monthly and post-rainfall inspections
Re-design and permitting of failed or insufficient SCMs
Design and permitting of repairs